My first time taking health supplements!

Saturday, May 29, 2021

It has been a month since I decided to finally introduce myself to health supplements, not really for beauty purposes, but to see if it really works on my body, since I truly believe that if someone wants to improve something about themselves, they will have to work hard, whatever it takes. So, I bought vitamin C, vitamin B complex, probiotics, and Iron, based on my current needs, and actually I'm pretty impressed with the results!

First things first: why I decided to start taking health supplements?

Since I actually have 28 years, and my body doesn’t have the same capacity to regenerate itself like when I was a teenager, plus the fact I started to notice I started to realize that my nails and hair were weaker, as well my skin was drier, dull, and with uneven skin tone, even if my skin already had already improved a lot with the new external treatment routine. So I decided to trust in a small english business called Lindens, that has been in the market since 2007, providing different types of supplements like vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and some natural options like seaweed

How I’m taking them, and my personal experience and opinion after one month.

I decided to start detoxing my body at night, and taking vitamin B complex with vitamin C in the morning. I know that I can combine Iron with them, but I just want to start slowly to see how every single supplement affects my body, and in the same way learning how they work on me.

At first I didn’t notice any change, even I was asking myself why do people take so many health supplements if they do nothing to the body, but I remember myself that to see results I need to be constant, so I continued with the treatment...but one day, I started to notice that my skin was more luminous and clear, and my nails more strong and long! And if that wasn't enough, even my mother told me that my skin was better, much prettier


So, now, once the improvement has been verified, I plan to include iron and probiotics within a month. And, once the treatment is finished, start with a more complete annual treatment, in line with my needs and goals. 

Important fact.

The last week I caught a cold, and one interesting thing I noticed was that the cold didn't hit me as hard as usual, so reading some recommendations, and based on medical advices, I decided to increase for a week the intake of vitamin C, from one pill a day to two pills a day, without never exceeding the general recommended daily limit: 2.000 milligrams. And, It really helped me recover from the cold in record time, removing all the mucus from my respiratory system.


***PD: as always this is me, sharing with you, my personal experience! If you want more, please subscribe, and follow me on my social media, and if you can/want donate me a pizza on BUYMEACOFFEE.COM!***





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